Researchers must possess deep domain knowledge to ensure meaningful insights that give clients a competitive advantage. Insights that are conceptually superior not only allow clients to learn more about their customers but to benefit from targeted strategies.
For instance, in the field of value research, it had been shown that consumers seek values beyond the functional aspects of a product or service – they seek emotional value i.e. feeling good about using the product or service and social value i.e. creating good impressions on others as well. As an illustration in customer loyalty studies, it is not sufficient to merely assess behavioural commitment of customers but also to examine whether it is the affective, lack-of-alternative or high sacrifice components of commitment that have brought them to exhibit behavioural loyalty.
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Only with superior methodologies in research can one be assured that findings obtained are more actionable and as accurate as the state of the art will allow.
For instance, studies have shown that it is incorrect to ask respondents directly on the importance they place on various attributes. Such responses suffer from high expectations bias – where all attributes are rated highly. Further, academics have suggested that bias also arises when respondents are asked to rate one attribute at a time. Advanced methods such as best-worst scaling and conjoint methods have been found to be superior in learning about attribute importance. Many other advanced methods such as path analysis can be used to learn of causal relationships that bring about customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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Research is never an end in itself. It is the means to a superior strategy. But the area of strategy development is not usually a speciality of general research firms. The Blue-dge team extends beyond producing customer insights to advising clients on its strategic moves.
Blue-dge is able to offer superior strategic advice to its clients because of the quality of its team – they all hold doctoral degrees from the best universities, are business consultants to top companies, and are sought after speakers in conferences and seminars. For instance, Dr. Raymond Teo is an adjunct professor with prestigious Singapore Management University, anchoring the field of marketing and customer relationship management in MBA programmes. The team approach Blue-dge uses ensures only the best thought-through strategies are recommended to clients.
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Despite using the best people, Blue-dge keeps its operational costs down through being lean and efficient. With its headquarters in Singapore, it serves clients throughout the world, bringing a significant cost advantage to them.
Blue-dge is able to achieve its cost advantage by being frugal in its operations and being efficient. This reduces the overheads for the company and passes the savings to customers. It leverages on technology and its extensive specialists data collection partners worldwide to assist in labour intensive and lower value-added activities. This allows it to allocate its resources to higher value added activities such as advance analyses and strategy development – all to benefit its clients.
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